Live Your Best Life as a Virtual Assistant
When you’re a Virtual Assistant, it can be a challenge to know when you have enough work and enough clients to reach your financial goals.
Often, when we start with a new client, they will say that they will have X number of hours’ worth of work for us each week. They’re excited,...
Virtual Assistants are natural helpers. It’s at the core of who we are and it’s why our clients love us.
Recently, I had an experience with a customer support agent that wasn’t ideal. The result was frustration, disappointment, and, in the end, anger.
There’s a lot of talk out in the world about how great it is to offer packages to clients when you’re a Virtual Assistant.
You’ve likely heard that the faster you get at the tasks you’re offering, the more money you’ll make. You’ve heard that you’ll have...
When you’re just starting out as a Virtual Assistant, it can be difficult to know what to do first.
You might wonder: Should I work on my website? My social media accounts? Get my business license? Order business cards? Or a gazillion other things that are flying around in your head.
As a Virtual Assistant, when we’re out with friends, networking, or meeting someone new, we are often asked the question, “What do you do for work?”
Sometimes, when this happens, we are not prepared with a well-thought-out answer. So we wing it … not a good idea!
When we...
The question I get asked the most by new VAs is “What are the skills I need to have in order to make really good money?”
And I can see by the look on their faces that they hope I’m going to hand them the magic list that will get them where they want to be.
But I don’t...
Last week, I was talking to my friend Isabelle about multi-tasking. She told me that she thinks of multi-tasking as nothing more than starting and stopping multiple tasks over and over, really fast.
And when I thought about that for a second, I thought, wow – that’s exactly what it...
Last Sunday afternoon, my husband Greg and I went shopping at a big-chain grocery store. We noticed a sign in the window as we walked inside that said “Corn – eight ears for $2.00.” This got my attention immediately since I love eating corn, as do the chickens.
While checking...
Did you like playing office when you were a kid? I did. I would spend hours setting up my desk, organizing my paper clips, sharpening my pencils, and pretending to talk on the phone while taking notes on my steno pad.
But now there’s a lot more at stake. We have families...
I hear this often from my Virtual Assistant students: “I just need X more clients and I’ll be all set.”
I’ve never understood this, since the quantity of work for each client fluctuates greatly. I have worked with over 200 clients these last 11 years and not one of...