Stop Worrying About People Who Aren’t Worried About You

Jan 16, 2023
The VA Connection: Stop Worrying About People Who Aren't Worried About You

As Virtual Assistants, we want to have thriving businesses. We know that it will bring us time, freedom, and financial security. We want the benefit of being able to work around important events in our lives, like caring for aging parents, being at our kid’s baseball game or ballet lesson, or taking care of ourselves.

Yet we let our doubts and fears get in the way before we get started. So we never take the first step, or we start and stop and start and stop before we gain any traction.

And believe it or not, doing this, not really getting started, is way more exhausting than being successful.

While taking the first step can be scary, once you take it, I know from experience that it can also be energizing and exciting. This made me wonder why more people don’t take the steps to have the success they want, especially since there’s information available on how to make this happen.

And then I read a quote that stopped me in my tracks. It gave me a gigantic aha:

Stop worrying about people who aren’t worried about you.

It’s a simple statement and it makes perfect sense, but how many of us are doing the exact opposite? How many of us are making important life choices using the criteria of what other people will think?

Most of us. Let’s stop that now.

Imagine a conversation you might have with a friend or your child if they said to you, “I really want to be a fireman. I’ve dreamed of it my whole life, but Joey doesn’t think I can do it, so I’m going to be an accountant.”

What would your response be? You'd probably suggest they tell Joey to go take a hike!

Here are both ends of the spectrum when it comes to this kind of thinking: 

  • Someone might see me fail and I won’t be able to live that down. I’ll be defeated.
  • Someone might see me succeed and I can’t possibly live up to that. It’s just too much.

There is no room for growth, change, or the success you want in either of these statements.

What if you tried something different instead? 

What if you imagined how to make today successful and took the steps that you know will make a difference? And then did the same thing again tomorrow? And the day after that? That would make a difference.

Creating a successful Virtual Assistant business doesn’t happen overnight - that’s the good news. It’s not something that happens to you, it’s something that you craft day by day, week by week, year by year.

Build your business according to what’s in your heart and not stories we’re making up about what other people think. Trust me, you’ll be a much happier and more successful Virtual Assistant.




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