Live Your Best Life as a Virtual Assistant

The Danger of Chasing Freedom Jul 22, 2024

I hear people repeatedly say they want to start a business as a Virtual Assistant because they want “time freedom.” This concerns me.

For most people, time freedom means having the ability to choose when and how you want to work, without being restricted by a schedule.

In my 14...

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Perfectionism isn't a Badge Jul 15, 2024

I hear people say, with pride, that they’re perfectionists.

What’s interesting to me about this is that without understanding the limitations of perfectionism, you might think perfectionists hold themselves to high standards and deliver exceptional work, whether building a website or...

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The Cost of Comfortable Jul 08, 2024

My husband Greg and I had heat and air conditioning (HVAC) installed in our house last week.

I haven’t had central air conditioning in my home since 1993, and I like warm summer days, so I was much more interested in having heat this winter than cooler temperatures in the summer.

For the...

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Do You Need a Portfolio to Get Clients Jul 01, 2024

Brand new Virtual Assistants frequently ask me whether they need a portfolio of their work to get clients. The first time I was asked this question, I was stumped. I thought logically: How can you create a portfolio of work before you have clients? If you were to create a portfolio,...

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Know Your Numbers Jun 24, 2024

When I started my Virtual Assistant business in 2010, my goal was to replace my six-figure corporate salary. I chose my rate, $50 an hour, and calculated by billing eight hours a day for five days a week, I would hit the mark.

I had a coach who encouraged me and confirmed that...

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Are You Switched On or Off? Jun 10, 2024

On Tuesday, I met one of my new neighbors, Sarah, on my daily walk. A few people who know us both mentioned they thought we might become friends, so I was excited to cross paths with her.

Sarah and I immediately hit it off as she told me about her recent travels to Asia and her personal training...

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You Are The Solution Jun 03, 2024

When Virtual Assistants are just starting their businesses, they believe getting clients is the primary objective. And they’re right; getting clients will bring in revenue and allow them to reach their financial goals. So it makes sense that they focus their time and energy on this.

To get...

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The Real Work of a Virtual Assistant May 20, 2024

Women thinking about becoming Virtual Assistants often worry they lack the skills to succeed.

They talk to me about how long they have been out of the workplace, stress that they have no corporate experience, and fret about not being techy.

That’s because they’re confused about how...

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The Fast Track to Business Success May 13, 2024

I love to putter around my house on Saturday mornings. I walk from room to room, putting things back in place, watering my plants, and organizing our belongings. It’s all about doing whatever I am drawn to at the moment.

Spending hours without an agenda is relaxing, especially after a busy...

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How Are You Spending Your Time? Apr 29, 2024

I recently learned that the average American watches television for 294 minutes a day. That’s almost five hours! I was shocked, so I did some Googling, wondering if what I had heard was accurate. It was. Holy smokes.

Then I remembered that I used to do this, too.

I would start with the...

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