Uplevel Your Networking Part II

Oct 23, 2023
The VA Connection: Uplevel Your Marketing Part II

As a Virtual Assistant who attends networking events, it’s important to leverage your efforts and maximize your time and energy. Doing this will also make you stand out from the pack.

In my last newsletter I wrote about what to do during the event. Today, we talk about what to do after the event is over.

The first thing is to connect on social media with everyone you’ve met. Be sure to include a message reminding them where they met you. Doing this within 24 – 48 hours is essential since you will still be fresh in their minds.

Next, add them to your list of contacts. This can be on an Excel spreadsheet, a Google Sheet, an online address book like Outlook, or your favorite CRM.

Here’s where the leverage comes in. You will create a system to keep in touch with the people you’ve met to deepen your relationships and be top of mind when someone needs your VA services.

Here are some of my favorite ways to do this:

  1. Send a Handwritten Note. I know this sounds old-fashioned, but that’s why it works. Who doesn’t love some good old snail mail? Have a note card printed with your logo on the top and your website address at the bottom, and you’re good to go.

    Your note can be a welcome message to new clients, a thank you to a friend or colleague, or just a friendly hello.

  2. Meet one-on-one. When you’re at an event and meet someone you want to get to know better, contact them after the event and schedule time on Zoom or, if possible, an in-person meeting at a coffee shop. Dive deeper into understanding their business and sharing about yours.

    Here are some conversation starters: “Tell me about your business.” “How did you get into that?” “Who do you like to work with?” “Tell me about a project you’re working on.”

    It’s important to go into these meetings with zero expectation of getting hired so you can relax and get to know someone new. Be professional, friendly, and curious to learn more about them.

  3. Send a Gift. Since the beginning of my business in 2010, I have sent gifts to my new clients and people who have referred clients to me. It always feels good to acknowledge people who are a part of my business success.

    It can be something small like a pen, a treat, chocolate or cookies, or my all-time favorite: flavored bottles of olive oil!

Creating relationships with fellow entrepreneurs can be fun and fruitful if you approach it with a good attitude and take advantage of its opportunities.