Uplevel Your Networking

Oct 16, 2023
The VA Connection: Uplevel Your Networking

You have decided to embrace networking. Maybe you’ve attended a few events and are getting the hang of it. Good for you!

Just remember that networking takes an investment of time and energy, so be sure that you’re leveraging your efforts by doing the following:

  1. Visit several networking groups. Every group you visit won’t be a fit, so keep exploring your options, both online and in person. You’re looking for fellow entrepreneurs you enjoy spending time with who are established enough to hire you.
  2. Become a regular. Once you find a couple of groups you enjoy, put their meetings on your calendar and schedule the rest of your life around them. In other words, don’t make this optional. In a short time, you’ll become part of the core group of entrepreneurs who attend, and you’ll start building relationships that will grow your business.
  3. Work the room. Be sure to meet as many people as possible during networking meetings, and introduce yourself to at least three new people at each event. Ask them if you can add them to your email newsletter list so that you can keep in touch.
  4. Be prepared. If you’re not a natural conversationalist, come with questions to help you get to know your fellow networkers. Here are a few examples: “How did you get into that line of work?”; “How long have you been doing this?”; “Where else do you like to network?”
  5. Bring business cards. I know a lot of people are now into digital business cards. I’m not one of them. Put something tangible into the hands of the people you meet so they can read and touch it. I guarantee that if you only provide your contact info on their phone, it will quickly be forgotten.
  6. Meet one-on-one. When you’re at an event and meet someone you want to get to know, contact them after the event and schedule time on Zoom or, if possible, an in-person meeting at a park or coffee shop. Dive deeper into understanding their business and sharing about yours.
  7. Get social. Connect with the people you meet while networking on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and any other social media channels where you are active. This will provide another way to stay in front of them and keep in touch.

Networking is a fabulous way to build a business as a Virtual Assistant. Apply these suggestions consistently, and you’ll have a simple system to grow your business and enrich your life with new contacts and business friends. It won’t be long before you’re a pro.