What’s Billable (And What Isn’t)?

May 12, 2019
The Virtual Assistant Connection: What’s Billable (And What Isn’t)?

When I first started out as a Virtual Assistant, I wasn’t always sure when my time was billable and when it wasn’t. For example, if a client asked me to do something I’d never done before, I wasn’t comfortable figuring it out while they paid me. But I wasn’t sure I should do it for free, either.

Here are some guidelines I developed over the years:

  • I offer a 30-minute, free consultation to potential clients, to see if we’re a good fit. During that phone call I’m listening for a few things: Can I do the work? Do I want to do the work? Do I like them?
  • Once we agree to work together, every minute of my time doing their work is billable. This includes the time they are explaining the work, the time it takes to get set up with their accounts and the time it takes to do the work. That includes emails back and forth, phone calls and text messages.
  • If a client asks me to do work that I’m not familiar with – but I want to learn it in order to expand my skills – I spend time “off the clock,” getting up to speed. But once I’ve acquired the skill I need; the clock starts back up again and I’m billable.
  • Here’s how I handle quick requests: If someone asks a question I bill them 5 minutes. If I have to look something up to answer their question, it’s 10. If I have to open an application, it’s 15 – or the actual time it takes to answer the request.
  • I don’t charge for time spent scheduling meetings.

As Virtual Assistants it’s important to value our time. We could spend entire days answering “quick questions” and end up with zero billable hours – even though we’ve shared our expertise all day long. Track your time carefully and make sure you’re getting paid for the time you spend.




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