Fear Is Not The Same As Danger - Take Action Now

Feb 03, 2025
The VA Connection: Fear Is Not The Same As Danger - Take Action Now

As Virtual Assistants—or anyone, for that matter—when we attempt something new, we usually bump into our comfort zone. You know, that invisible boundary designed to keep us safe.

But our comfort zone also has the potential to hold us back from progress, success, and reaching our goals.

Sometimes, our comfort zone tries to protect us by playing endless loops of worst-case scenarios in our heads, shouting, “I can’t do THAT!!” It’s almost as if your brain is trying to protect you from some kind of impending doom.

But here’s the truth: when we allow the voice of fear and self-doubt to take control, we stay stuck. We can’t grow, change, or achieve our goals because we keep letting our comfort zone run the show to keep us safe. And while safety has its place, there’s a problem with this logic: Fear is Not the Same as Danger.

If something makes us nervous, our brain jumps to the conclusion that we must be at risk. But let’s take a step back and examine that belief.
Danger? Really?

Are you running from a tiger? Are you dangling off the edge of a cliff? Are you about to be struck by lightning? No. You’re just thinking about emailing a potential client or talking about your business with a friend or former colleague.

When you look at it that way, it sounds pretty silly, right?

And yet, this is where so many new Virtual Assistants get stuck:

  • I’m not comfortable telling anyone about my business.
  • I’m not comfortable attending networking events.
  • I’m not comfortable updating my LinkedIn profile.
  • I’m not comfortable choosing a business name.
  • I’m not comfortable [fill in the blank].

But here’s the thing: none of these things are dangerous. They might be uncomfortable. They might push you into unfamiliar territory. They might even trigger your fear of being judged. But they are not life-threatening.

To succeed as a Virtual Assistant, you must be willing to take action—even when it feels uncomfortable. If you could simply think your way into business success, you’d already be running a thriving VA business. But thinking alone won’t get you there. Action will.

Think about learning to walk. As a baby, that was way outside your comfort zone. You wobbled, you fell, you got back up. And then, one day, you weren’t just taking a few steps—you were running. Your comfort zone had expanded.

The same principle applies to business. The more you put yourself out there, the more comfortable you’ll become. And there’s an amazing reward waiting for you on the other side: 

  • You’ll be able to take care of yourself and your family.
  • You’ll be in control of your own schedule.
  • You’ll help your clients succeed and grow their businesses.

So, what’s the secret to pushing past fear and stepping into success?

  1. Acknowledge the fear. Don’t ignore it or pretend it’s not there. Recognize it for what it is—your brain trying to keep you safe.
  2. Challenge the fear. Ask yourself: Am I really in danger, or am I just scared? Chances are, you’re just stepping into new territory.
  3. Reframe the discomfort. Instead of seeing fear as a stop sign, see it as a green light—it means you’re growing.
  4. Take action anyway. You don’t have to feel 100% ready to move forward. Progress happens when you take small, courageous steps.

The only way to get comfortable with something new is to do it over and over until it no longer feels scary. So, tell someone what you do, send that email, or attend a networking event. Your future success depends on it.

And remember: every time you step outside your comfort zone, you’re not just expanding it—you’re stepping closer to the business and life you truly want.