What’s Getting in the Way of Your Success?

Dec 04, 2023
The VA Connection: What's Getting in the Way of Your Success?

As a Virtual Assistant coach and mentor, I see common thoughts cluttering my students' minds. They wonder how much to charge, which tools they need, what if the client says [fill in the blank], and whether they have the skills they need to succeed. I get it. I’ve been there too.

While those are all valid concerns, I’ve learned over the years that none of these fears get in the way of creating business and lifestyle success. What gets in the way is almost invisible; to make matters worse, it usually seems reasonable. What gets in the way of success is letting life's current circumstances call the shots and decide your daily actions. We often do this because we’re afraid and have self-limiting beliefs. This makes it easier to convince ourselves to do nothing instead of risk failure.

Here’s how it works:

  • The car breaks down and you get upset… so you take the rest of the day off.
  • You get home from work and feel tired… so you decide to relax.
  • You receive a letter about something that’s not urgent … so you spend the whole day trying to resolve it.

All three decisions seem reasonable. These are choices that we’ve all made. But the trouble is that surrendering to everyday life won’t help you build a successful business. You’ve got to learn to shift your view of the circumstances. Like this:

  • My car broke down while I was doing an errand. Instead of getting upset, I waited for the tow truck and brainstormed ideas for my email newsletter.
  • I got home from my job and felt too tired to work on my business. So, I made myself a healthy snack, went outside for some fresh air, and focused on my business for an hour before calling it a day.
  • I received a letter in the mail that wasn’t urgent. Instead of spending time on it immediately, I placed it on my desk to handle later when I wasn’t working on my business.

There’s never a convenient time to start a business. You’ll likely never feel ready. But you can keep moving forward no matter what’s happening around you.

Life will always throw you challenges, but when you commit to your vision of success, you’ll see those obstacles merely as distractions rather than roadblocks. Stay focused on where you want to go. You’re worth it.


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