Use Stay in Touch Emails

Mar 20, 2022

No matter where you are on your VA journey, the easiest way to get a steady stream of clients is to keep in touch with the people you already know.

For that, after sending a big announcement when you first start out and sending other announcements whenever you launch a new service, I recommend “stay in touch” emails.

On a regular basis, send individual emails to your contacts, checking in and saying hello. It’s simple to do and very effective.  

Here’s an example:


Hi Susan,

I hope you’re having a nice summer. The weather here has been beautiful and our garden has been so much fun.

It’s been a while since we’ve caught up and I thought I’d check in. All is well here. Emily is off at college, I’m busy with RocketGirl work and enjoying some new clients. Greg has been playing tennis every spare moment and is quite happy.

I’d love to hear how you’re doing and what you’re up to when you get a chance.

Take care,


Virtual Assistant
RocketGirl Solutions


Send this from your business email address with your email signature, including a link to your website and a link to get on your calendar for a 30-Minute Free Consultation. Read more about that here

You’ll only want to send two a day, Monday through Friday, because if they reply, you’ll want to make sure that you can reply in a timely manner. That’s the whole point – to connect and stay in touch!

If someone doesn’t reply, please don’t take it personally. There could be a million reasons why, none of which (probably) have anything to do with how they feel about you.

Have fun with this. It can be really nice to get back in touch with people you haven’t connected with in a while building your business.




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