The Real Work of a Virtual Assistant

May 20, 2024
The VA Connection: The Real Work of a Virtual Assistant

Women thinking about becoming Virtual Assistants often worry they lack the skills to succeed.

They talk to me about how long they have been out of the workplace, stress that they have no corporate experience, and fret about not being techy.

That’s because they’re confused about how being a Virtual Assistant works. They imagine they’ll have to jump through a lot of hoops similar to a job interview, that they’ll need to prove themselves in some way, and that there’s a lot of competition out there. So they assume it will be hard to find clients. They also wonder if they’re too old to start something new.

Fortunately, none of that is true. Getting clients can be simple; here’s an example of how it works:

Sarah needs help with a PowerPoint presentation. Her friend Ron told her that you’re a Virtual Assistant and might be able to help. Sarah schedules a time to talk with you. She tells you what she needs, and you figure out if you’re a fit for each other.

This is not an interview; it’s just a conversation.

If you know how to use PowerPoint, then great. If you don’t, you can either decline the work, refer the client to someone else, or buy the PowerPoint for Dummy’s book and learn how it works.

When you’re a Virtual Assistant, you’re not working in front of your client in an office setting, so there is time to learn a new skill on your own time if the project interests you.

Even though the concern is getting the client's work done, the solution to business success is getting Ron to know, remember, and understand what you do as a Virtual Assistant. This way, he’ll tell the Sarahs of the world about you when a need for help arises.

There are simple steps to make this happen. But many VAs are so worried about their skill set that they waste time trying to learn new software applications - instead of spreading the word about their business.

Here’s how to spend your time:

  1. Learn how to talk about your business in a clear, simple way. You want people to be able to understand and remember what you offer. Here’s what I suggest:

    “I’m a Virtual Assistant. I work with entrepreneurs and small business owners. I help them with all their administrative work – like updating their websites, setting up their newsletters, and helping them set up online courses.”

    That’s all you need to say. Keep it short and sweet.
  2. Tell everyone you know about your business. Everyone. Your friends, family, old boss, college friends, and dads who are waiting at the school bus stop with their kids. Don’t prospect or try to get strategic about who needs your help. You have no idea who the people you’re connected with know.

    I could tell you more than 200 crazy stories about how my clients were referred to me. Just relax and spread the word. You’ll be surprised how many people are happy for you and rooting for you and your business success.

    Your best clients, hands down, will come from referrals. Let’s make it easy for them.

It’s human nature not to bother people or talk about ourselves, so we spend time setting up our business, launching our website, and opening our bank account instead of the simple (but sometimes not easy) task of spreading the word.

Don’t be the best-kept secret out there. Remember, you’re the solution to an entrepreneur's problem; make sure everyone knows about your business.