Organize Your Client Files

Jan 06, 2020
The Virtual Assistant Connection: Organize Your Client Files

When you’re a Virtual Assistant, you might have thousands of client documents, spreadsheets and images on your computer – all of which you need to keep organized. 

Whether you’re just starting out or been in business for a while, it’s important to have a system so that you can quickly put your fingers on these important files as needed.

Here are some tips for digital file organization:

  1. Create a folder on your computer and name it “Clients." Then, create a subfolder inside that folder for each client. When naming the subfolders, either use the name of their company or their first and last name. Whichever you choose, always name your folders the same way. 
  2. Within each client folder, organize the information as you receive it. If you work on lots of PowerPoint presentations for a client, create a folder called “Presentations” inside their client folder and store all the presentations there. Likewise, for other files, such as headshots, logos and other information. Any time you can group and categorize files, do so using subfolders. 
  3. If you have a folder for a client that is a big mess, drag all of the files into a new folder and name it “Archives.” Then create the folder structure that will best support your work going forward. If you need a file that you’ve used in the past, it will be in the archive folder waiting for you. And when you’re finished using it, save it into your new system. Before you know it, the information you use most will be in your new, fabulous system.

Being consistent about saving files can save you hours of time and a lot of frustration. Not all of us were lucky enough to realize the importance of this when first starting out, but by organizing your files now and staying on top of this going forward, you’ll create a system that will make you a star at locating valuable client information.




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