My No Regrets Calculator
May 29, 2023The older I get, the more urgent my life becomes regarding some of the goals I have set for myself. The goal that has an urgency for me right now is buying a home with Greg. That doesn’t mean we’ll be placing an offer any time soon, but we’re in action.
There are many decisions to consider while relocating, and it would be easy to get overwhelmed, overthink, and procrastinate. And while I certainly do have periods of time when I experience these feelings, I don’t allow myself to stay stuck for more than a few minutes because I’ve learned that all I’m really doing by indulging myself is wasting time.
The same feelings occur when building a successful business as a Virtual Assistant. In fact, we’ve even given names to these feelings as a way to justify them. We might say, “I’m stuck. I have imposter syndrome.” Or, “I’m a perfectionist. That’s how I’ve always been.” When people hear this, they nod their heads and say, “Yes, I understand. I’m like that too. It’s just so hard.”
News Flash: We’re all like that at one time or another, depending on the topic, and it doesn’t have to be hard. We make it hard.
Enter my no-regrets calculator—a handy dandy tool I invite you to use when deciding which goals to go for and which to leave behind.
Here’s how it works. State the goal you are waffling about. For example, “I want to have a thriving business as a Virtual Assistant.”
Then present yourself with the worst-case scenario if you don’t go for it: “I stay in a job I hate, I don’t make enough money, I can’t retire…”
Then, through that lens, think about the goal again and decide whether or not you’ll have regrets if the worst-case scenario comes true and you didn’t go for it.
If the answer is yes, get to work. If it’s not, promise yourself to stop wasting time thinking about it. Very simple.
Growing a successful and sustainable Virtual Assistant business takes work. So if you’ve made the decision to do this, jump into action and go for it.