Make Networking Easy

Oct 09, 2023
The VA Connection: Make Networking Easy

You’ve likely heard that when starting as a Virtual Assistant, you need to spread the word about your business to be successful. And networking is a great way to do that.

But maybe you’ve never networked before, and the thought of it sounds terrifying. I get it.

Here’s how I used to think about networking:

First, you change into uncomfortable professional clothing and leave your house (if that’s not bad enough). Then, as you enter the event, you realize you don’t know anyone, and you freeze. You feel out of place and look around, comparing yourself to others and coming up short. You talk to one or two people, fumbling, uncertain what to say, and feel like a fool. The entire experience is miserable, and you go home, dejected, thinking you don’t have what it takes.

Sound familiar? Let’s change the narrative.

First, let’s define networking.

Networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.

Networking is not selling; it’s not trying to impress someone; it’s not about being perfect. It’s talking to people about what you’re up to professionally.

That’s it. Take the pressure off.

To succeed in networking, you must be good at describing your work and ready when someone asks. To do that, you must prepare ahead of time and practice out loud. Here’s the template I suggest you use when describing your work:

I’m a Virtual Assistant. I work with entrepreneurs and small businesses and help them with the admin pieces of their business, like email newsletters, website updates, and PowerPoint presentations. #STOPTALKING

And then listen. And what you’ll usually hear is, “Wow, that’s awesome!” And you’ll know that a seed has been planted either for them to hire you or spread the word to their friends and colleagues because you kept it simple and easy to understand. You’re having a conversation, not selling. It’s much easier than we make it.

With some mindset management, practice, and prep work, you can confidently enter networking events like a pro, make new friends, and grow your business. Give it a try.