Increase Your Productivity as a Virtual Assistant

Aug 07, 2023
The VA Connection: Increase Your Productivity as a Virtual Assitant

When it comes to knowing how to organize your tasks and plan your time as a Virtual Assistant, there can be a steep learning curve. You have information coming at you all day: client work, tasks to do for your business, and likely an unending list of personal items that need your attention.

You might also have family members at home during your work time who are making additional requests of you, not to mention the social media alerts, text messages, and calendar reminders constantly popping up on your phone.

It’s no wonder when we sit down to “work” that we’re instantly distracted, overwhelmed, and confused.

First, I want you to know that you’re not alone, and there’s nothing wrong with you.

Next, I want to tell you how to turn this situation around:

  1. Work in one life category at a time. I start my day by tackling the bare minimum of personal tasks that must be handled today. Then I shift my focus to billable client work and stick with it until quitting time. If I think of personal tasks that need to be handled, I’ll jot them down to take care of after work hours are over. Organizing your time this way will allow you to feel more productive.
  2. Make rules for yourself. I have developed a clear set of rules to follow during work hours—no laundry, dishwashing, or organizing the linen closet. Personal business phone calls happen before I begin work or during lunch. I talk to friends and family only in the time designated as personal. Don’t give your most productive, billable, prime brain time over to folding laundry or making chit-chat with friends. Use this time to make money and grow your business.
  3. Take your time seriously. You want to be a successful Virtual Assistant for a reason – to make money, have a flexible lifestyle, work from home, and be your own boss. That doesn’t happen without effort and focus, neither of which are possible without making some changes in your daily routine.

    Notice time-sinking activities that are stealing your precious day and make changes. Just because you’ve always done laundry on Monday mornings doesn’t mean you need to continue. Reorganize and take back your time.
  4. Retrain your friends and family. If the people closest to you are used to hanging out on the phone with you any time they’d like, you’re going to need to redirect them gently. Stop answering text messages and phone calls during work hours. Call or text back when you’re finished and mention that you were “at work.” They’ll get the message after a while.

Creating the feeling of productivity and accomplishment is one of my favorite benefits of being a business owner. You can have that in your life, too, by following these four simple steps.