Improve Your Client Communications

Dec 12, 2021
The Virtual Assistant Connection: Improve Your Client Communications

Solid communication with clients is one of the keys to a successful, long-term working relationship. When communications are strained, everything feels difficult.

Sometimes, it’s not easy to know what the trouble is, and you might be tempted to place blame on the other person. Whatever the cause, with just a few adjustments, you can get most client relationships back on track and the communication flowing smoothly once again.

Here’s how:

  1. Watch your language. Whether you’re speaking directly to your client on the phone, Zoom, or email, make sure you’re not using jargon. If the client wants to set up an event and have you create a registration sign-up page, they might have no idea what you’re talking about if you start using words like “opt-in,” “TY page,” “tags,” “day of email,” etc. I guarantee that if they don’t understand the language, they will be overwhelmed quickly. So don’t make any assumptions, and choose your words carefully.

  2. Slow down the speed of your speech. I talk fast. Really fast. I have sabotaged a client relationship or two as a result. Fortunately, one of my clients mentioned it to me, and I took the cue and slowed down. I’ve noticed that this is particularly helpful if I’m explaining a concept that is new to the client. It gives them time to absorb what is being said.

  3. Re-read your written communications. When I write email to clients asking questions or explaining a project to them, it’s easy to leave out important words. Before you hit send, be sure to read each one, out loud or in your head, to make sure nothing is missing. Also, I find that when I change words like “it” or “that” to a more descriptive word or phrase, like “the document that I’ve attached,” it makes a big difference.

  4. Ask yourself if it’s time to stop talking. Sometimes, a client will ask a question that has a simple yes or no answer. But, instead of answering them with yes or no, we just start talking and hijack the conversation. Here’s an example: Q: “Can you help me organize my calendar” A: “I would be happy to.” Compare that to: “I did that a few years ago for another client and I think I remember how we set it up, blah, blah, blah….”. We usually know when we’re talking too much – so listen to that little voice in your head and stop.

When there’s a strain in communication, it’s likely that your client feels it too. So before you run for the hills or dump them in favor of a new client, try these tips!