How to Stay Focused

Aug 05, 2019
The Virtual Assistant Connection: How to Stay Focused

When you’re a Virtual Assistant, working from home, it can be difficult to stay focused.

On some days (especially the sunny ones!), it can seem impossible; everything except your computer is calling your name.

When it gets difficult to focus, here are some tips for staying in your seat:

  1. Plan break time. When you’re working for long stretches of time, make sure to take some time in the middle of the day or between projects and meetings to take a break. When the weather is nice, I take a lap around my yard or go say hello to our pet chickens. Fresh air does wonders for focus.

  2. Stay away from non-work activities. As harmless as it might seem to throw in a load of laundry or clean the kitchen a bit, during working hours this can lead to major distractions. If you’re a little OCD like me, tidying up the kitchen can lead to pantry reorganization, oven cleaning, and more, before I even know what hit me!

  3. Take care of you. Here’s what that means in my world: eating healthy food, getting regular exercise, spending time with friends, and getting plenty of sleep. If I’m tired and not feeling great, there’s no chance I’ll be able to focus and stay productive. Figure out what “taking care” means to you and plan time for it.

  1. Do work you love. If you don’t love what you’re doing, it’s the last thing you’re going to be drawn to. Choose your projects and clients carefully so that you’re interested, engaged and looking forward to your work.

Part of working for yourself is setting the pace and staying on track. Try these tips and see what a difference they can make!