How I Use Handwritten Notes

Feb 08, 2021
The Virtual Assistant Connection: How I Use Handwritten Notes

When marketing your business, it’s important to stay in touch with your network. Staying top of mind is one of the keys to getting referrals (my favorite type of client).

Staying in touch can take many forms, but an underutilized, highly effective way, is sending handwritten notes via snail mail.

These days, our mail boxes are practically empty as almost all our correspondence seems to arrive via email and our paper statements are now found in our online accounts. This makes snail mail a great place to get someone’s attention.

Sending a note or card in the mail shows that you took the time to think about the recipient, and spent some effort to write a note, buy a stamp, and drop it in the mail. No easy task these days, but much appreciated.

There are lots of options for these notes. You can send thank you notes, birthday cards, anniversary cards, a note to say hi, or a small gift. While it’s perfectly fine to send a notecard with your logo on the top and your website address on the bottom, please don’t enclose a business card or ask for a referral or business. Sending the note is a gift to the recipient, not an advertisement for your business.

Notes and cards are a wonderful way to keep in touch with the people you like. They will take notice and remember you as a result! 




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