Are Your Systems Ready?

Dec 16, 2019

When you’re a Virtual Assistant, information comes from clients in a variety of ways. Some information is verbal during a phone conversation, other arrives via email, some may come via a project management system that your client is using.

Whatever the source, with information pouring in, it’s important to set up a system where you can always have what you need at your fingertips.

Your systems need not be complicated. In fact, the simpler the better. The key to making it work is consistency.

Here are some tips:

  1. Keep all client notes in Evernote. I have an Evernote Notebook designated for client information and a note within for each client. The note is titled with their first and last name so it’s easy to search and find it. The newest information goes at the top and I insert a line between conversations and note the date of the conversation.
  2. Download all attachments from email. Use Dropbox, Google Drive or a similar application to store your email attachments. Email is not a filing cabinet – keeping files there wastes lots of valuable time. Create a folder called “Clients” and have subfolders inside for each client. Name the folder the client’s first and last name so that it matches your Evernote System.
  3. Only file email that you will need again. I have the same system for email: a folder called “Clients” and a sub-folder for each client with the title of their first and last name (seeing a pattern here 😊?). Only file emails that you will need to reference again. Archive or delete the rest.

The key to a good system is consistency. This way, you never have to remember where you can find information; you know where it goes and with a quick search it’s immediately at your fingertips.



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