4 Ways to Show Off Your Services

Dec 20, 2021
The VA Connection: 4 Ways to Show Off Your Services

As a Virtual Assistant, it’s important that your clients and potential clients are familiar with all the services you offer. This way, when a new need comes up for them, they’ll know whether you can help or not. There are several ways you can do this – over and over again – to ensure that you stay in front of them.

Here are four of my favorites:

  1. List all of your services on your website. Organize them by category on your services page.

    My services are set up under these categories: Marketing and Communications, Managing the Day to Day, Technology Set-Up, Product Promotion, and E-Commerce and Research. You’ll want to customize your list to match the services you’re offering.

  2. Create Case Studies. This is easier than it sounds. Once I had a few testimonials, I decided to pair them with an explanation of the work I had performed for the client who had written them. The goal was for potential clients to see themselves in my work. Here’s an example:

    Here’s what I did (the explanation):

    I set up the entire back-end office for a startup company. Computers, internet, email, phone, QuickBooks, payroll, and helped build the initial website. When I left, they had a system for paying the bills, bringing new employees on, and maintaining day-to-day operations. 

    Here's what they said (the testimonial): 

    Belinda is a non-stop ball of energy. She set up our office in record time. Computers, phones, financials, and more. She’s capable and she’s passionate about getting it right down to the last detail.

  1. Make your own business a display case. Many of the tools that I use to run my VA business are the same tools that my clients use to run theirs. So, what better way to show them what I know, than using the tools for myself.

    Here are some examples of tools that I’ve set up for my business that clients have hired me to do for them: Email newsletters, calendar scheduling software, and credit card processing. 

  2. Write an email newsletter. If you’ve known me for more than a hot second, then you know that I am a BIG fan of sending out email newsletters. Think about the unlimited ways that you can write about your work in a way that clients will want to hire you. You can showcase your knowledge and give them quick tips. Don’t be afraid of “giving away the farm” by telling them too much. The more you share, the more they’ll want to work with you.

If you’ve ever heard a client say, “I had no idea you did that!” you’re missing an opportunity for more work. Take these steps to make sure they know what you offer and watch your work expand! 




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